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ICAD 12 has ended, see you next year in ICAD 13!




aims to understand the way our society evolves while tracing the relationship between what belongs to our past and our future. Certainly, this topic is inseparable from the pandemic as a collective memory that has affected us all. The past three years have allowed deeper reflections in regards to various events that have occurred, and how our world shall take shape moving forward. Within the realities of social issues offered through the featured works, we encounter the participants’ critical view and imagination. Through this exhibition, we discover various opinions from the participants, ranging from humorous to political and analytical to speculative; their ideas contribute to a spectrum of knowledge and discussion on timely topics surrounding the environment, history, technology, and civilisation. 

Making, participation, rememberance, speculation, intersection, and inclusivity are some of the aspects that characterise this 12th edition of Indonesian Contemporary Art and Design (ICAD). Various visuals, sounds, movements, and words, presented by over 50 participants this year, serve as vehicles that transport us to different temporalities, to solidify our conception of what ought to be done in the current times.

Set in the art and design district Kemang, this exhibition hopes to traverse every experience, struggle, and gain, in our continuous process of evolving.

Amanda Ariawan, Prananda L. Malasan

ICAD 12 Curatorial Team 



Indonesian Contemporary Art & Design (ICAD) bridges art and design with other disciplines ranging from fashion, film, hospitality, technology, F&B and more. It is the first and only exhibition which initiates the collaboration between these various disciplines.



Perayaan Desain dan Seni di ICAD 12 Resmi Berakhir

Sampai jumpa tahun depan!

29 November 2022

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ICAD 12: “Fragmenting Yesterday, Reshaping Tomorrow”

Eksplorasi dunia desain dan seni pasca pandemi.

19 October 2022

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KEMANG 12730
A District Event

19 Oktober – 27 November 2022
Kemang, Jakarta Selatan

19 October 2022

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