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ICAD 2023: Feel-Good Lab

For its 13th edition, ICAD adopts Feel-Good Lab as their or “FGL” as our curatorial manifesto. “FGL” centers around the positive emotions when experimenting, playing, and tinkering; actions that may derive from curiosity or struggle. The concept believes in our agency to create a condition in which we feel aligned with our everyday practice, recognising our rights to achieve a sense of emotional well-being in today’s world. The exhibition is therefore treated as an experimental laboratory to attain or express critiques surrounding this state; a space in which artists, designers, and the public may explore, activate, and rework their feelings. The show offers a closer look at the notions of care, humour, feel-good, and the contrasting emotions that exist alongside them.

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  • Arahmaiani

  • Adhi Nugraha

  • Entang Wiharso

  • Irene Agrivina

  • Jalanpulang (Handiwirman Saputra, Kokok P. Sancoko, M. Irfan, Sigit Pius Kuncoro, Yuli Prayitno)

  • Mit Jai Inn

  • Ramadhan Bouqie

  • Sinta Tantra

  • Adin Ibrahim x Asmara Abigail

  • Aldri Indrayana

  • Alex Abbad x VIRO

  • Alfaz Syam (Buttonetwork)

  • Conture Concrete Lab

  • Eames Demetrios

  • Fadrié

  • Galih Johar & RSA All Day

  • Habitat Design Group

  • Indra Dodi

  • Museum Benda

  • Naufal Abshar

  • Nidiya Kusmaya

  • No-To-Scale* x Mebelle

  • Octo Cornelius

  • ōd architecture studio x MYCL-Mycotech Lab

  • Ourchetype

  • Parti Gastronomi

  • Rara Sekar

  • Sasanti Puri Ardini

  • Widi Pangestu

  • Ari Puguh

  • Arum Larasati Winarso, Austera Premakara, Dearista Nooria Kusuma

  • Forrest Wong

  • Ivonne Kani

  • Kancata

  • Lee Mok Yee (In collaboration with FABU)

  • Mahaputra Vito

  • Makmur Djaja

  • Mater Design Lab

  • Meita Meilita

  • Otak Atik Kotak

  • Ressa Rizky Mutiara

  • Reza Kutjh

  • Rima Aisha & Aditya Suwito

  • Sabiq Hibatulbaqi

  • Sight At Site

  • Studio Pancaroba


  • Theyvapaalan S Jayaratnam

  • Veronica Ajeng Larasati

  • Erasmus Huis: Arike Gill

  • British Council (In collaboration with CAST Foundation, PLAYO, Applied Arts Scotland)

  • Indonesia Design Development Center (IDDC)

  • Japan Foundation: NOSIGNER

and a Special Appearance from
Tribute to Benyamin Suaeb (Yayasan Benyamin Suaeb in collaboration with Studio Woork, La Munai Records, Cut & Rescue)


grandkemang Hotel
Jalan Kemang Raya No.2H , Kec. Mampang Prapatan, Kel. Bangka,
Jakarta Selatan, 12730


KRL Commuter Line Tanah Abang–Serpong
Stasiun Kebayoran Lama

TransJakarta Koridor 9 Pinang Ranti–Pluit
Halte Tegal Parang

TransJakarta Koridor 1 Blok M–Kota
Halte Blok M

MRT Jakarta Bunderan HI–Lebak Bulus
Stasiun Cipete Raya atau Stasiun Blok A

Petunjuk Bus dari Terminal Blok M
Kopaja P 19 arah Ragunan
Kopaja S 605A arah Cilandak / Ragunan

© 2021 Yayasan Design+Art Indonesia

grandkemang Hotel lantai 3

Jl. Kemang Raya 2H, Jakarta 12730


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