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ICAD 13 Feel-Good Lab 13 October - 26 November 2023
Start date: Wednesday 10 May 2023
Deadline: Thursday 15 June 2023
Announcement date: Thursday 22 June 2023
As part of identifying participants, ICAD opens its doors for anyone to submit a project proposal for a further selection process. For its 13th edition, ICAD adopts Feel-Good Lab as their or “FGL” as their curatorial manifesto. “FGL” centers around the positive emotions when experimenting, playing, and tinkering; actions that may derive from curiosity or struggle. The concept believes in our agency to create a condition in which we feel aligned with our everyday practice, recognising our rights to achieve a sense of emotional well-being in today’s world. The exhibition is therefore treated as an experimental laboratory to attain or express critiques surrounding this state; a space in which artists, designers, and the public may explore, activate, and rework their feelings. The show offers a closer look at the notions of care, humour, feel-good, and the contrasting emotions that exist alongside them.
To submit your work, kindly:
Fill in the digital Open Call Form
Upload a creative potfolio which includes a minimum of 5 selected works that best illustrates your practice.
Upload a project proposal responding to the curatorial theme for the year. The proposal should include:
Project outline (150-300 words)
Visual of your preliminary concept (moodboard/sketch/photo/other relevant format)
Eligibility and Condition:
Individuals and collectives of any nationality, race, gender, and age.
Participants may come from any discipline that focuses on or intersects with art, product design, graphic design, fashion design, and architecture.
Able to produce and send their artworks/products to the exhibition venue at their own capacity.
Selected participants accept to be featured in ICAD 13’s catalogue, website, and other promotional materials.
You can download the curatorial (EN & IND) brief here
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